
Who we are

Our mission

Mediahuis believes unconditionally in independent journalism and strong, relevant media that makes a positive contribution for people and society.

Mediahuis is the driving force behind a wide collection of autonomous cross-media brands. It is precisely this diversity that we embrace and the forms the foundation of our company. Each brand has its own culture and identity, where reliability, independence and a journalistic heart are the common denominators.

Our brands are at the heart of the community. They inform, interpret and connect. Our independent, high-quality journalism enables people to form an objective opinion on subjects of importance to the individual or to society, and to make informed decisions and choices on that basis.

For our employees, Mediahuis is a place where you shape your own career as a media professional. You have the opportunity to move around the whole organisation. Mediahuis is an environment in which everyone works together in an open an respectful way, and where curiosity and innovative thinking are encouraged.

Our values


Innovation is part of our DNA. We ensure that we keep abreast of things and continue to do so. We are keen to grab any opportunity for permanent development. We take the initiative and share our ideas. Status quo is not an option. We are not afraid to make mistakes and to learn from them by reviewing them together with an open mind.


We listen to our clients and continually capture their requirements and assess them against the proposals and services we can offer. We are not afraid of discussion and formulate our opinion with a positive and respectful frame of mind. We always comply with any agreements we have made.


We are stronger together than we are alone. That is why we believe in a multi-discipline approach to joining forces and project-based operations. We collaborate in a sustainable manner and enter into dialogue. We trust our colleagues and are open-minded without preconceptions.


We are pioneers, challenged by change and always looking for improvement. In a rapidly evolving world, we respond with appropriate flexibility to our business clients’ needs and our readers’ expectations, with a focus on, and due respect for, each individual’s unique characteristics.


We get straight to the point and always focus on results. Together we devise brief but well-founded decision-making processes. We have the scope to work autonomously and are not afraid to take responsibility.

Our entities

Mediahuis is an international media group with a range of strong brands and activities in diverse European countries. Click on the map to discover what we do in our different countries.

Board & management

Focus on vision and leadership. Read more about our board of directors and the management.

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